About 2.0

About Teuku.Net

Alhamdulillah... Praise be to Allah SWT who has given me the opportunity to create this blog. On this occasion, I would like to return to the world of blogging, where I took a break for about 2 years because there was too much work in the real world.

On this occasion, the blog that I will create will contain information about what?

  • ↪️ The world of technology, which in my opinion is growing every second, I will provide guidance on the updated world of technology for sure.
  • ↪️ Blog, Of course I will also make some guides about the world of blogging.
  • ↪️ Travel, this is my hobby when I'm not working, I will provide a guide from my own experience, definitely a place worth visiting.

For those of you who have read the guides or articles on my blog, please provide criticism and suggestions in the comments column if any of the information I provide is not quite right, this will also really help me in further developing my writing.


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